MLAI Digital Pvt. Ltd.

Contact Centre Analytics for One of the Biggest Insurance Company in India

Data Analytics using Speech Recognition & NLP

When we talk about contact center automation or call centre automation and analytics, we always try to find a right AI solution for our contact centre which can do the QA analysis and know the intent, entity and sentiment of the customer as well.
We will be talking about a case study here

A Business conglomerate with interests in retail and financial services was seeking to derive Customer Insights by real-time AI Analytics on customer calls in their contact center.
The various parameters shall be derived using Azure Cognitive Services + NLP as well as Data Visualization Techniques.

Main Dashboard

Score of a Call:-

Less Than 0% – Low
0 to 35% – Medium
More than 35% – High

For a Particular there is count of Positive Sentiment Statements(x), Negative Sentiment Statements(y) & Neutral Sentiment Statements(z). 
% Sentiment Score for 1 Call => (x-y)/(x+y+z)

Priority Calls
For Priority Calls, High are the calls where Sale can be Easily Converted. Low are the ones which are difficult to be converted. Medium Calls is the middle category.

Word Cloud

Word Cloud are the words which are most Spoken in the calls.

Value Proposition

First Card Depicts if the Agent has described the Various Parameters of Value Proposition.
Technique Used – ML Based Fuzzy Match.
This Technique checks normal Keyword Phrases.

Customer Emphasis on 
Particular Features which is depicted 
Technique Used – Regular

Expression The AI Model Checks if the Customer has repeated anything from the Dictionary of Keywords. Understanding Score i
s the Count if the Customer has understood the Brand Value and the Product Features.

Sentiment Score Dashboard

Basis words spoken by customer & agent, AI tool does sentiment analysis for each sentence and thereby, entire conversation.

 Apart from Sentiment, AI tool also captures Brand perception & primary Competition 
• These insights helps understand customer behavior better. 
• A detailed excel report for each call captures 52 parameters